ICT salary comparison

Knowledge is power for negotiation
Do the ICT salary comparison.

The IG Metall salary comparison gives you an idea of salaries in the ICT sector and helps you to determine in what range your salary is. The IG Metall survey for this comparison has been one of the most well-founded and comprehensive salary analyses in the ICT sector in Germany for years. It provides helpful orientation and insights for individual employees as well as for works councils in companies and organisations, even beyond the industry.

The provided data was collected in 2022 from 123 companies with 42.460 salary data.

On the home page, you can enter your job title: you can select the most suitable option from the shown suggestions. After entering the gross salary (the standard is the annual gross salary based on a 35-hour week), you will receive your salary comparison based on our statistical data.

In the job overview, 16 job families are listed and categorized by job level. Assign your activity to a suitable job family and click on the appropriate job. Note the alias, the description and the requirements for the respective job. You can also find common professional qualifications in the requirements section.

At the end of this list we have translated examples of job titles into English.

Job families are e.g. Consulting, Hardware or Software Engineering. The career ladder for every job family starts with entry level, e.g. such as Junior Consultant and proceeds to the next career levels: Consultant, Senior consultant, Chief consultant and Head Consultant.

Explanations of the job overview and the displayed values

In the job overview, you will find the average annual salary values calculated for each job based on a 35-hour work week. Within the job family, you can also track your career development by clicking on the career ladder from B1 to B5 in the „Beratung / Consulting“ job family, for example.

There are two bar charts: The statistical values of the company data (“Firmendaten”) and the individual salary data (“Einzeldaten”). When you click on the bars, the fixed and variable components also appear.

Total („Gesamt“) in the first line refers to the salary including the variable components. The fixed salaries are then shown under „fixed“ and the variable components are shown separately in the „variable“ line. The variable values are the amounts actually paid out in each case and not target salaries.

Highlighted in colour is the weighted average* of all data in the respective job, which is probably one of the most important values for most readers. If you enter your comparative salary, the dashed line shows your salary in comparison to the statistical values.

In the overall analysis „Salary data“ you will find the lower and upper quartile as well as the median value* of the salary data recorded in the respective job.

The structured by company („Firmendaten”) section shows what the analysed companies in Germany pay the least (minimum average) or the most (maximum average) for the same job.

The assignment of the salaries to the respective jobs was carried out by the participants in the survey. We advise the readers who are primarily interested in determining their own potential „market value“ to also consult the salary information for the neighbouring lower or higher-paid job in order to obtain a realistic picture.

Better off with collective agreements – For more information for employees: IG Metall – A strong community – IG Metall.